I Saw the Signs

7:12 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

For years I believed in signs. I could read them like sailors read stars.

I’d take jobs because of them, quit jobs, write letters, move cities, speak up, take action.

I would do these things with confidence. They were the right decisions and I knew it. I could see the path I was supposed to take lit up by these beacons, these signs. Decisions could be made in an instant.

I still see signs. And I know what they mean. But I don’t trust them anymore.

Not wholeheartedly.

There’s no reason for this, that’s the tragedy of it. I didn’t make a wrong turn or endure some spectacular failure. Doubts simply started to arise about them, slowly over the last few years.

“What if this isn’t the right choice?” “What if I believe in it and it doesn’t happen?” “What if it makes me stop believing?”

And that’s all it took, damage done.

I don’t know if that confidence is merited only by the young, or if perhaps I’m replacing belief with knowledge or wisdom.

Maybe it’s the natural order of things. One day Peter stopped coming to Wendy’s window, and Christopher Robin stopped visiting the Enchanted Place at Galleons Lap.

So I’m beginning to wonder when the signs will fade, and I won’t be able to make them out in the midst of the commotion of life. And I wonder what I'll believe in then?

The Guru of Gerrard St.

6:57 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

I was sitting on a street car in the early evening when it was overrun by youngsters scrambling for seats and making as much noise as possible under the watchful eye of a parent/teacher/scout leader type.

As they settled and the din quieted (marginally) I heard the kid behind me inhale sharply before shouting:

“Hey! I’m already ON the adventure.”

I don’t know where those kids were headed, or why. But I do know that the little Dan Eldon disciple behind me was going to have the best time of all of them.

Wisdom imparted by a ten-year-old is not something to take lightly.

Little dude, I’m already on the adventure too.

If You Were A Wilbury…

8:47 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Which Wilbury would you be?

I would like very much to say I would be George Harrison. Because come on that guy is awesome personified.

A beautiful songwriter and spiritual Journeyman he loved a woman so deeply he could pen a song like “Something” for her.

Then he survived losing her… to a friend.

And the friendship survived too.

My Sweet Lord.

In the end, however, I think I’m actually more of a Tom Petty... Which is still pretty cool.

“Now and again I get the feeling. Well if I don't win, I'ma gonna break even"

You Said It Murph

7:47 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

It can’t happen.

Of course it will happen.

I am refusing to believe that I actually believe that Stephen Harper is about to be my new Prime Minister.

I am very good at refusing to believe realities of this sort having had much practice in refusing to believe that Cardinal Ratzinger is now the Pope, and that GWB was elected. AGAIN.

I don’t know how many of life’s realities you can refuse to believe before you are no longer a functioning member of society. But as the list of crazy leaders incomprehensibly (re)elected continues to grow, I am afeard that I will eventually find out.

Better to be crazy than utterly depressed though init?

This Thing I Wrote That Time

11:41 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

The reason she got out of bed this morning was this: She knew that if she didn't emerge from that womb of flannel and brushed cotton at the very moment she did, she may have never left it again.

This was the same reason she got out of bed most days. She knew this didn’t reflect a positive life outlook.

Crossing the cold pine boards on the way to the bathroom she remnded herself she was really very lucky. She had this gorgeous room to call her own, the air was crisp and clean, the sun shining through the window, the coffee was on and so strong she could already smell it wafting up from the kitchen.

She hated when she did this, this roll call of blessings.

She didn’t feel lucky. She felt defeated. And this sense of despair in the face of so many good things made her feel sulky and childish. She hated that too. She had never been one for looking at the bright side when she didn’t damn well feel like it.

She fumbled for the bathroom light and swore when the fan came on instead. The noise was too much, too grating after such a short time awake. Switching the switches she was greeted with silence and light.

The thought entered her head that ‘silence and light’ would be a great title for a song, or a book - if she ever wrote a song or book. She immediately pushed it out. It was too early for that kind of noise as well. She began the process of greeting the world.

She stared in the mirror taking stock of what she had to work with. She looked good. Tired and pretty. Maybe a little fragile -- a bit dark under the eyes. It suited her and she reached past her oversized makeup bag for her toothbrush and headed back to her room to investigate the closet.

She knew she wanted to wear a sweater, a heavy one. She needed to feel encased. Her skin didn’t seem to hold her these days and she wanted reinforcement. She had the desire to feel small, a little lost. It seemed to her it might be endearing to walk about with her hands peeking out of too long sleeves, the line of her neck accentuated by an abundance of worn wool.

Who she wanted to endear herself to, and why, she wasn't ready to contemplate. Rather, she wasn't t ready to acknowledge she had been contemplating both these things for quite some time.

She tugged a cabled sweater over her head and slid worn jeans over pale legs examining the result in the mirror. She didn’t look particularly put together, but she felt contained, armoured. She looked good and people would notice. He’d notice, but think she didn’t care.

Good. She didn’t want to care.

She pulled a wooden brush though her unwashed hair. Twenty strokes, then thirty. She had planned to pull it back, but as it fell it kissed her neck until she was seduced and allowed it to stay there running long and fluid down her back.

And she wanted him to see her then. She wouldn't be the same later, with her cheek colour too high and a smile exploding on her face.

She would not be so perfect. So accessible. So ready to be seen.

And she did want him to see her.

Wednesday's Child

9:02 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

A friend recently ran my birth date through a database and determined I was born on a Wednesday.

I began to wonder what this Wednesday business said about me. How had I been shaped by this arrival day? I immediately turned to the science of nursery rhymes for my answer.

Turns out Wednesday’s Child is full of WOE.

This, on top of the fact that Wednesday is THE hardest day of the week to spell...


I have decided and now officially decree: Wednesday’s Child is full of WOW.

For those interested here’s the rest of the original rhyme --I highly encourage editing some pizzazz into unsatisfying descriptions.

Monday's child is fair of face,
Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for his living,
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

Year End Performance Appraisals

10:30 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
At the end of '05 I took stock of all that I had attempted and/or accomplished that year, omitting all my truly dumb-ass moves as I am wont to do when creating such lists.

Didn't think it was too shabby.

Then, as my goddaughter is about to celebrate a very monumentous first birthday, I decided to have a go at a list of all the things she accomplished in 2005.

Doubled in size: Check
Learned to smile: Check
Figured out what hands are for: Check
Cut herself some teeth (sans painkillers): Check
Found her voice: Check
Stood on her own two feet: Check

Man, have I got to kick things up a notch.

Thank God That's Settled

7:43 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

There was a poll conducted recently by a national media chain to determine which of the current Prime Ministerial candidates was the most handsome.

This poll was done by the same media chain that offers pinups in its dailies.

This is the same media chain I recently applied to work for.


Love v. Vertigo

6:55 AM Edit This 1 Comment »
Love can make your head spin.

You know what else can make your head spin?


Love can last a lifetime.

Vertigo can, apparently, last an entire weekend.

Love will leave you exhausted and disoriented.

Vertigo, ditto.

Love makes you fall in.

Vertigo makes you fall down.

I had a lot of time to make these comparisons the past two days whilst in the grip of it.

...Vertigo that is.

New Year's Beer

11:19 AM Edit This 0 Comments »

A lady always looks lovelier with a bottle in her hand... Oh wait, maybe that's a bottle in YOUR hand... Whatever.
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Baby, this time it's different.

10:48 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
I have left a trail of deserted blogs in my wake.

Created with enthusiam, loaded with initial posts, then left barren.

My excuses run the gamut. Too busy; too lazy; too tired; too bored.

But I am going to try this time.

Baby, this time I promise I am going to try.